The Township of Ramara's Zoning Bylaw enforces our Official Plan by outlining the permitted land uses. The Zoning Bylaw will tell you the setbacks, height restrictions, and maximum lot coverages for your building projects. The Zoning Bylaw also determines the minimum lot frontages when severing new lots.

View our Zoning Bylaw

View our Office Consolidated Zoning Bylaw

Building Permits

To get a building permit, demonstration that the project meets the Township's Zoning Bylaw is required. You may be able to submit a site plan sketch, or dependent on the scope of your project, may be required to submit a Planning Application

You can use the Interactive Mapping to find out a lot's zone category, or contact us to find out a lot's zoning, and to confirm any applicable amendments to the Zoning Bylaw.

Interactive Zoning Mapping

An interactive Zoning layer has been generated to coincide with the Comprehensive Zoning By-law, allowing users to access to most up-to-date information and confirm property zoning, including any site specific provisions.

View Interactive Mapping


 Detailed Instructions

Once you have opened the map, you can pan to the subject property or search for the address in the search bar at the top of the map next to the Ramara logo.

Use the "Advanced" panel on the left side of the page to turn on layers, use tools such as measuring, and mark up your map using "My Maps".

  • Select the checkbox of the layer you would like to see
  • Use the "Filter Content.." bar to search for keywords for layers
  • Hover a layer to view the description
  • Interactive layers allow you to click the feature on the map to view more information in a pop-up. These layers are identified with a conversation box after the title 
  • Click the + button to the left of the layer name to view the colour scheme
  • Change your base map on the top right choosing Imagery, Topo or Street
  • Use the printer monitor button at the bottom left of the map to print your screen

Note: For some interactive layers (example: Zoning Bylaw and Links) if you have searched a property, you must click the red dot and "remove marker" for the interactive layer to work.


View Instruction Video
Key maps

To identify the zoning of your property, you can use the key maps to find the correct zoning map:



















Schedule B1

View Zoning Bylaw Amendments


  • 2006.16 – Vallance File Z-4/05 Map M6 (rezoning VR-7(6) to VR-10(H))
  • 2006.39 – Highland Mills Development (Lot 1, Con. 9) – Map J10 and K10
  • 2006.52 – Ryan File Z-1/06 – Map A5
  • 2006.67 – 41 Creighton Street – Mao I1 (rezoning VC to VR)
  • 2006.72 – Mair File Z-3/06 – 7655 Oak Point Road – Map B5 (rezoning Hamlet (H) to (H-9))
  • 2006.73 – 4162 Orkney Beach Road – Map J3 (rezoning SR and VR to SR-8 and VR-11)
  • 2006.75 – Fowler Construction Z-2/02 – Maps F8, F9, G8, G9 (rezoning RU to MAE-10(H)) – (Amended by 2007.62, 2008.35)
  • 2006.79 – 43 Creighton Street – Map I1 (rezoning VC to VR-11)


  • 2007.24 – Moore – 4066 Hwy 12 – Map J6 (rezoning from AG to RU-20)
  • 2007.37 – Elford – 7816 County Road 169 – Map B6 remove (H) Holding Symbol
  • 2007.62 – Fowler Construction Ltd. – Maps F8, F9, G8, and G9 – remove H from MAE-10-H


  • 2008.34 – 4819, 4825 and 4831 Side road 5 – Map I3 (rezoning NAP to RU)
  • 2008.35 – Fowler Construction Ltd. – Maps F8, F9, G8 and G9 – remove H from MAE-10-H
  • 2008.43 – 3728 Hwy 12 – Map K6 (rezoning AG to AG-2-T)
  • 2008.69 – James Dick Construction Ltd. – Maps E8, E9, F8 and F9 – remove H from MAE-6-H and MAE-7-H
  • 2008.84 – 2232 O'Neil St. – Map N7 (rezoning AR to VR)


  • 2009.02 – Clements – 4 lots Concession 10 – Map J2 remove H for VR/VC/VIN-(H)
  • 2009.24 – 1452 Concession Road 2 [Formerly 1486 Con Rd 3] – Map O9 (rezoning RU to RU-22)
  • 2009.53 – 96 and 98 Creighton St. – Map I 11 (rezoning VC to VR)
  • 2009.54 – Part of Lot 10, Con 3 – Map N8 (rezoning VR and VR-H to VR-1, VR-14(H), VIN-1 and VIN-2(H))
  • 2009.85 – Part of Lot 30, Con 12 – Maps H1 and H2 remove H from DC-4


  • 2010.46 – MacDonald – Remove (H) Holding Symbol from Zone Map I2
  • 2010.73 – Recreational Vehicle (RV), Boat and Trailer Parking or Storing


  • 2011.14 – 1737142 Ontario Inc. Part Lot 25, Concession 10 (Map J3 – rezoning NAP to VR and remove H for VR/VC/VIN-(H)
  • 2011.23 – 4233, 4241, 4253, 4269 Concession Road 11 – (Map I2 – remove Holding (H) symbol for VR zone)
  • 2011.55 – 1028 Monck Road – (Map F10 – rezoning Hamlet (H(1)) to Hamlet (H(1)(3))
  • 2011.66 – 1632 Ramara Road 51 – (remove and replace subsection “RU-4” on Map Q7)


  • 2012.44 – 5593 Grays Bay Road – Map G2 rezoning DC-H to SR
  • 2012.94 – 5646 County Road 169 – Map G6 rezoning part of Rural (RU-3) to Rural (RU-24)


  • 2013.25 – 5367 Rama Road – Map H2 add DC-13-T to permit temporary sales office on site
  • 2013.54 – NRK Holdings – Part Lots 3 and 4, Concession C – Map F7 rezone Rural (RU) to Mineral Aggregate Extraction (MAE-11)
  • 2013.55 – 391 and 3952 McRae Park Road – Starport – Maps J3 and K3 includes rezoning Destination Commercial (DC-14-(H))


  • 2014.19 – 2909 Fairgrounds Road – Map B6 – remove Holding symbol in Hamlet zone for two lots
  • 2014.25 – 4652 McNeil Street – Map I1 remove Holding Symbol in VR zone for four lots
  • 2014.35 – 4957 Creighton Street N – Map I1 – remove Holding symbol in VR zone in the VR/VC/VIN-(H) for a residential lot
  • 2014.54 – Rama Lakefront Resorts Inc. – Part Lots 28-30, Front Range – Map D4 – rezoning DC and RU to SR-11 and SR
  • 2014.83 - 8203 County Road 169 - Map A5 and B5 - rezoning H to H-11
  • 2014.84 - Attia – 5367 Rama Road – Con 12, N Part Lot 28 – Maps H2 – rezoning DC-10(H) to DC(H)


  • 2015.18 – Rezone portion of Industrial Park to VID-2 Village Industrial-2


  • 2016.20 – 1452 Concession 3 – Maps O9, O10, N9 and N10 – RU to RU-22
  • 2016.28 – Lakepoint Village Map J3 remove Holding symbol from VR-2(H) and VR-2(H)areas
  • 2016.31 – 5340 Highway 12 – Map I3 – remove Holding symbol in VR zone
  • 2016.46 – 5734 Highway 12 – Map I2 – Village Commercial Exception 7 (VC-7) changes to VC


  • 2017.16 – 3894 Concession 10 – Map J3 – rezone VR-4(H) – Village Residential Exception Four to Village Residential
  • 2017.21 – 4250 Hopkins Bay Road – Map G2 – rezone DC-9 to DC-(H)
  • 2017.22 – 5367 Rama Road – Map H2 – remove Holding symbol from DC zone
  • 2017.24 – 7172 Concession B-C – rezone MAE-4 to MAE
  • 2017.53 – Elford – Map B6 remove Holding symbol from H zone
  • 2017.54 – 4291 Concession 11 – Map I2 remove Holding symbol from VR zone
  • 2017.55 – 4961 Creighton Street North – Map I2 remove Holding Symbol from VR zone
  • 2017.61 – 4667 Side road 15 – Maps I6 and J6 rezone AG to AG-4
  • 2017.71 – 4667 Side road 15 – Maps I6 and J6 rezone AG to AG-4 and prohibit residential uses


  • 2018.25 – 5511 Highway 12 – Map I2 remove Holding symbol from VR zone
  • 2018.41 – 3728 Highway 12 – Map K6 – Temporary Garden Suite
  • 2018.58 – 7 Balsam Road – Map I2 – remove Holding from VR zone
  • 2018.59 – 4672 McNeil Street – Map I2 remove Holding symbol from VR zone
  • 2018.71 – 58 Laguna Parkway – Map N6 rezone AR-9(P) to VR-16


  • 2019.44 - 4687 Daniel Street - Map I2 -change (VC) to (VR)
  • 2019.68 - Section 3.0 - Parking Regulations - Amended to include "Cannabis Processing and Production Facilities"
  • 2019.76 – 2060 Side Road 5 - Maps O9 and P9 – AG to AG-5
  • 2019.77 – 4185 Concession 11 – Maps I2 and I3 remove Holding symbol from VR zone


  • 2020.54 – 7816 Grist Mill Road – Maps A5 - change (H-1) to (H-12)
  • 2020.77 - 1811 Concession Road 10 - Maps J8 and J9 - change (AG) to (AG-6)
  • 2020.89 - Cannabis Production and Processing
  • 2020.96 - Gun (Shooting) Range


  • 2021.44 - 3728 Highway 12 - Map K6 - AG-2-T - Garden Suite
  • 2021.75 - 2428 Concession Road 3 - Map 07 - change (AG) to (AG-7)
  • 2021.90 - 5 Stong Court - Part of Lot 29, Concession 10, being Part 1, Plan 5R-39448 - Map I2 - Temporary Use Garden Suite


  • 2022.21 - 4431 Monck Road (Elder) - change to RU and RCR - Map H2
  • 2022.22 - 5646 County Road 169 – Map G6 – change to RU-24 and RU-3 Zone
  • 2022.54 - Backyard Chickens - Township Wide - Temporary Use
  • 2022.55 - 2304 Ramara Road 46 -  Map I7 - South Part of Lot 11, Concession 11 - AG-7-T - Temporary Use Garden Suite
  • 2022.56 - 2123 Concession Road 4 - Map N8 - Part of North Half Lot 10, Concession 3 - Amend provisions of VR-13 and VR-14 Zones
  • 2022.67 - 3168 Concession Road 11- Map I5 -  South Part of Lot 18 RP: 51R-27157 Parts 1, 3 & 4, Concession 11 (Retained) - change to AG-8 prohibiting a residential use
  • 2022.73 - 5646 County Road 169 - Map G6 - removal of holding provision
  • 2022.79 - Township Wide - Accessory Use provisions update
  • 2022.81 - Township Wide - On farm diversified uses and Additional Residential Units
  • OLT ORDER OLT-22-002101 - 7723 Rama Road - Maps C4 and C5 - Part of Lot 40, Concession Broken Front - change to RU to MAE-12


  • 2023.13 - 7628 Oak Point Road - Map B5 - Site specific zoning H-13 for accessory building 
  • 2023.24 - 2330 Concession Road 3 - Maps N7 and O7 - rezone AG to AG-9 to prohibit a residential use
  • 2023.27 - 4358 Fern Resort Road - Map H2 - removal of holding on portion of lands
  • 2023.45 - 101 Lake Avenue - Map N6 - Temporary Amendment to allow accessory building (2 years)
  • 2023.47 - Bayshore Village Subdivision - Maps L3 and L4 - Rezone from SR-6 to SR-12
  • 2023.52 - 5511 Highway 12 - Map I2 - removal of holding provision
  • 2023.63 - 4162 Orkney Beach Road - Map J3 - Rezone from VR-11 to VR, and SR-8 to SR
  • 2023.69 - Lagoon City Settlement Area Properties - Maps M6, M7, N6 and N7 - rezone to NAP
  • 2023.70 - 5801 Rama Road - Map G3 - removal of holding on portion of lands
  • 2023. 71 - 2268 Lakeshore Drive - Map O6 - amend DC-2 provisions for redevelopment area
  • 2023.81 - Properties fronting Fish Sideroad, Benson Road, Willison Sideroad, William Street, Victoria             Park Road - Maps F2, F3, F4, F5, G3, G4, G5 - add Zoning Suffix "-TR"


  •  2024.07 - 3163 Monck Road (retained) - Maps G5 and G6 - rezone AG to AG-10 to prohibit a residential use
  •  2024.38 - Township Wide - ARU, renewable energy, floating docks, definitions update
  •  2024.45 - 4836 Muley Point Road - Map J3 - rezone VR/VC/VIN-H to VR-19-H and NAP
  •  2024.47 - 2851 Concession Road 7 - Map L6 - Temporary Amendment to allow for Garden Suite (AG-11-T)