Updated 2025-02-03
Parking is available throughout Ramara in designated municipal lots and along some streets. From November 15 to April 15, 2025, overnight parking on all Township roads is prohibited between 12:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m., according to By-law No. 2016.56.
Pay a Ticket
Looking to pay a parking ticket? Payments for parking tickets are accepted by credit card, online, in-person or by mail.
Payment Options |
Appealing Tickets |
Township of Ramara Bylaw officers may issue you a ticket if you don't follow the rules of the Parking by-laws. If you would like to appeal your ticket, please contact us at bylaw@ramara.ca or phone 705-484-5374- ext 292. |
Resident Permit Parking Program
Until the 2025 program is approved (until early 2025), the 2024 Ramara Parking Passes are valid for on-street parking (daytime) and municipal lot locations.
Resident Parking permits can be used for designated on-street parking and municipal lot locations.
On-street Permit Parking is located in the following areas:
- On all municipal roadways within Lagoon City (starting at the intersection of Ramara Road 47 and Simcoe Road)
- Lagoon City Trailhead on Laguna Parkway.
- On Lakeshore Drive and all intersecting side streets from Simcoe Road to Concession Road A. This does not include Concession Roads.
- On-street parking on the following roads within the Val Harbour and Atherley Area.
- Anderson Avenue
- Bonnie Beach Road
- Courtland Street
- Edgehill Road
- Glenrest Drive
- Harrys Lane
- John Street
- Leo Crescent
- Peter Street
- Sideroad 25
- Tuppy Drive
- Whitney Road
- On-street parking on Popular Lane, Riverleigh Cres and Park Lane Cres within the Washago (north Ramara) area.
Please note in some areas no parking restrictions may apply. Please refer to all posted signage in the area.
Parking Permits can be used at the following municipal lots:
- Bluebird Park (open Winter - Fall)
- Lagoon City Beach and Park (open Spring-Fall)
Make sure to hang your resident parking permit face up on your car's mirror with the corresponding vehicle licence plate number.
Reciprocal Permit Programs
Please be advised that at this time there are no reciprocal permit programs in place with surrounding municipalities or cities, including the Township of Severn and the City of Orillia. Ramara residents visiting surrounding areas must refer to all posted signage for parking requirements.
Apply for Permit
The 2024 Parking Permit is valid until early 2025. The continuance of the 2025 Parking Permit program is pending Council approval.
Ramara residents and property owners can apply for two resident parking passes free of charge. An additional third parking permit can be purchased for $25 (plus HST). If you are applying for the permit online, a 4.5% convenience fee will apply. Please note that you cannot park in the permit parking areas until you receive your permit.
As the online application is closed, residents can purchase or receive their parking passes by contacting staff by email or phone or by coming in person to the Township Administration Building located at 2297 Highway 12 during business hours.
Special Occasion Parking Permit
Residents may apply for a Special Occasion Parking Permit for visitors to park on Township streets. Applications are only available online, and once approved, permits need to be printed and displayed on the driver's side dash.
A resident must apply seven (7) days in advance for the permit, and the permit is only valid on the street or at or near the municipal address as indicated on the permit.
Apply for Special Occasion Parking Permit
Paid Parking
On-Street Paid Parking
- West side of Courtland Street from Lake Simcoe to a safe spot on the road north of Orkney Beach Road.
- Lake Avenue from Simcoe Road north to a safe spot on the road.
- Lagoon City Trailhead on Laguna Parkway.
Municipal Lot Locations
Paid parking is available at the following municipal lot locations:
- Bluebird Park
- Lagoon City Beach and Park
Rates and Time limits |
Contactless Payment using Honk |
Contactless payments can be made onsite at the three Waterfront Municipal lot locations by Visa, Mastercard, or Visa debit. Signage is posted in parking areas providing payment instructions, or you can download the Honk App to your mobile device.
Frequently Asked Questions |
Find answers to frequently asked questions about visitor paid parking.
Parking Restrictions
Municipal Parking Lots |
On-Street Parking |
On-street parking is available along many streets in the Township of Ramara. Please check the area you would like to park for signs indicating any parking restrictions. On-street Parking in the Waterfront areas are classified into three areas:
On-street parking in paid parking zones is prohibited between 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. On-street parking is prohibited on all streets overnight (from 12:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.) during the winter months (November 15th to April 15th). For more detail on on-street parking restrictions, please see the Parking by-laws. Please note that parking permits are not valid in no parking zones where signs are posted. |
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