The Township of Ramara recognizes that recreation facilities, programs, and events are extremely valuable to our community. They impact quality of life and provide opportunities for residents to connect with each other and stay active. If you are a resident or visitor of the Township of Ramara, we need your input on implementing a new, dynamic Recreation Master Plan.
The new Master Plan will provide a blueprint for the Township's future recreation service provisions, including trails, parks, programs, facilities, and events over the next ten years.
We need your guidance and input on developing this project to ensure a plan that best serves the community's needs. We also need to better understand how you would like to see recreational development in Ramara and which changes to recreational programs and facilities you deem most important.
Recreation Master Plan Open House
The Township of Ramara is updating its Parks and Recreation Master Plan, which will guide the future development of recreational facilities, programs, and services within the municipality.
We would like to thank the community for attending the open house held on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, where we discussed the draft Recreation Master Plan and its key recommendations.
Draft Recreation Master Plan Comments
The Township of Ramara is accepting comments and feedback via email on the proposed Draft Recreation Master Plan until March 7th. Justine Bayne, the Recreation and Community Services Supervisor will pass along all comments to Planscape so they can prepare their presentation to council on April 28th.
Reports and Draft Master Plan
View Draft Recreation Master Plan
In April 2024, the Township of Ramara retained Planscape Inc. to assist in the development of a 10-year Recreation Master Plan.
It has been over 10 years since the last Recreation Master Plan was developed for the Township of Ramara. Population growth and changing community needs indicate the need for a review and update of the previous Master Plan.
The Recreation Master Plan will look at the Townships current recreation services, including programs, facilities, and events, and make recommendations on what types of services will be required to serve the needs of the Townships residents until 2035.
New recommendations will be created that are:
- Tailored to the specific needs of the Township of Ramara
- Evidence based
- Community driven
Public and stakeholder input will be considered when developing the new Recreation Master Plan, as well as demographic data, so as to provide a dynamic Master Plan focused on the needs of residents throughout Ramara.
Project Goals
The following project goals have been set:
- Obtain representative and detailed feedback from a range of stakeholders, ensuring those that may traditionally be underrepresented are consulted
- Meaningfully engage all stakeholders in the project process, recognizing that some stakeholders are more affected by the project than others.
- Provide a meaningful and effective recreation master plan that serves as a long-term framework for Ramara’s recreational developments.
- Create an approved Recreation Master Plan that represents the needs and priorities of the Municipality.
Project Timeline/Key dates:
Initiative | Key Date |
Survey Launch (complete) | July 10 |
Public Open House (Ramara Administration Building) (complete) |
July 29 2 - 4 p.m. |
Public Open House (Ramara Centre) (complete) |
July 29 6 - 8 p.m. |
Individual Interviews start | August 1 |
Survey Ends (complete) | August 5 |
Public Consultation concludes | August 9 |
Recreation Master Plan Open House |
February 5 (2025) |
Draft Recreation Master Plan Comments |
Due March 7 (2025) |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is a Recreation Master Plan? |
A Recreation Master Plan is a tool developed to provide Municipalities with strategic guidance and policy direction related to the provision of recreational services. It can be thought of as a “blueprint” to help inform recreational service-based decision making in Ramara. This plan also serves to provide decision makers, stakeholders, and the general public with information to understand the specific recreational needs and priorities of residents in Ramara. The plan will establish priorities in recreational development for the next 10 years through public input and research. These approaches will be required to ensure that the right recommendations are provided for the right time in the right places. |
Why does Ramara need a Recreation Master Plan? |
It has been over ten years since the last Recreation Master Plan was developed for the Township of Ramara. Since then, the Township has grown, shifting community needs, and new facilities have been developed. New recommendations for the next 10 years must be made to ensure they match new community needs and Township growth. |
Who can complete the public survey? |
Emphasis for feedback will be placed on all residents in Ramara, however feedback from residents in neighbouring communities that use Ramara’s facilities is also appreciated. |
How can I participate and provide input? |
There are many ways to participate in the development of the new Recreation Master Plan including:
How will I know what’s happening after the project is complete? |
A final Recreation Master Plan including survey feedback will be posted on the Township website after being approved by Council. |
Other Resources
Township of Ramara Strategic Plan
Other Links
Township of Oro-Medonte Recreation Master Plan
City of Orillia Recreation Master Plan
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