Planning Department

We provide information that applies to building projects, future development and land uses. We also review and circulate planning applications to ensure projects comply with applicable requirements such as our Zoning BylawOfficial Plan, and Site Plan Control Bylaw.

Our Zoning Bylaw establishes permitted uses, setbacks, structure height and lot coverages for properties, and enforces the policies of our Official Plan

Our Official Plan contains goals, objectives, and policies for land use and development.

Our Site Plan Control Bylaw establishes additional requirements for certain building and development projects.

Properties in Ramara shall also comply with the County Official Plan, and Provincial requirements such as the Planning Act, Provincial Planning StatementLake Simcoe Protection Plan, and other applicable law.


Contact us to find out rules and requirements for your property.

A formal Pre-Consultation meeting is highly recommended before submitting an application for Site Plan Control, Plan of Subdivision, Plan of Condominium, or for amending our Zoning Bylaw or Official Plan.  This will allow the Township and agencies to scope and identify studies that are required for the application to be deemed complete.

Please visit our Planning Applications page to access detailed application information and fees.


Planning application information and material shall be made available to the public as required under the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, s.1.0.1