A site plan is an overhead drawing that shows your proposed building project. It shows the location of existing buildings and any decks, sheds, garages, additions, or new homes for building permit applications.

Why do I need a site plan?

You need a site plan when you apply for a building permit. We review the site plan to ensure that it complies with the requirements of our Zoning Bylaw. Our Building By-law requires a site plan review for residential development which may include a lot grading plan requirement. 

How to apply for approval?

Complete either the Pre-Permit Zoning Approval Application, Pre-Permit Zoning Review with Grading Application, or Non-residential Application forms, with an attached site plan. These application forms can be found within the Planning Applications page. Please contact us to discuss what form is required.

Site plan control

Our Official Plan designates the entire Township, as an area under site-plan control. Our Site-Plan Control Bylaw outlines the requirements for building projects that need a full site plan review.  A Site Plan Application is an application under the Planning Act, to ensure the development is undertaken in accordance with Municipal, County and Provincial requirements.   Please note that a pre-consultation application is required prior to accepting an application for Site Plan Control under the Planning Act, 

Non-residential developments

All non-residential building projects are subject to site plan control. Please refer to the Site Plan Control Bylaw for more information

Residential development

Some residential projects are subject to Site Plan Control. Please refer to the Site Plan Control Bylaw for a list of exemptions.  The Province recently made changes to the definition of development under Section 41 of the Planning Act. The definition for development was updated to exclude the construction, erection or placing of a building or structure for residential purposes on a parcel of land if that parcel of land will contain no more than 10 residential units, unless the parcel of land includes any land in a prescribed area. The prescribed area includes but is not limited to area:

  • within 300 metres or a railway line
  • within 120 metres of
    • a wetland
    • an inland lake
    • a river 


Building projects that do not require Site Plan Approval that are larger than 50 square meters and one or more of the following are subject to a Pre-Permit Zoning Review with Lot Grading:

  • lots located on the waterfront
  • lots designated as Hamlet, Village, or Shoreline in our Official Plan 
  • lots less than 1.5 acres in size and designated as Rural or Agriculture in our Official Plan 


Site-grading plan

An Ontario Land Surveyor or Professional Engineer must prepare your site-grading plan if your building project requires a grading review.

The plan will need to show:

  • Driveway entrances
  • Easements
  • Elevations
  • Parking spaces
  • Septic
  • Setbacks
  • Wells
  • all requirements are outlined on pages 4 and 5 of the application.