The Ramara Industrial Park is where we encourage industrial development within Ramara. It is located in Brechin, Ontario, southeast of the intersection of Highway 12 and County Rd 47. Municipal water and sewer will serve the lots created within the Ramara Industrial Park, as well as a three-stage plan for hydro. You will have the ability to purchase and create a custom lot to suit your needs, at the price of $88,500 per acre, with a minimum of a 1-acre purchase.
Available Lands
At this time, there are NO available lands available in the Ramara Industrial Park.
Permitted Land Uses
The designation of the Ramara Industrial Park is Village, in our Official Plan, and Village Industrial exception two, in our Zoning Bylaw. All uses within the Industrial Park will be subject to our Site Plan Control Bylaw.
Development Charges
Within the Ramara Industrial Park, developers will only be responsible for paying the applicable educational development charges. We have decided, along with the County of Simcoe, to waive our respective development charges, to promote industrial development within Ramara.
Tax Rates
Please discuss our tax rates with our Tax Inquiry Clerk.
Water/Sewer Rates
Please discuss our water and sewer rates with our Resource Technician.
Contact Us
Eric Brathwaite
Planning Technician
2297 Highway 12, PO Box 130, Brechin, ON, LOK 1B0
T. 705-484-5374,ext. 293