The public is welcome to attend or watch all open Council and Committee meetings.
Agendas and Minutes
The minutes and agendas for all Council and Committee meetings are available on iCompass.
Subscribe to receive agenda links directly to your inbox to any Council, Committee of the Whole, Lagoon City Parks and Waterways Commission and Committee of Adjustment meetings.
Meeting Calendar
Meeting Calendar |
Council Highlights
The Council Highlights provide an overview of important decisions or agenda items from both Committee of the Whole and Council meetings in order to give residents a 'snap shot' on what occurred during the meeting.
Communicating with Council
During a Council meeting, the public has two opportunities to speak to members of Council:
- Deputations (presentations)
- Open Forum
- Petitions
Learn more on our Communicating with Council page.
Types of Meetings
Committee Of The Whole Meetings |
Committee of the Whole meetings are generally held on the second Monday in each month, normally commencing at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers at the Administration Centre, 2297 Highway 12, Brechin. All Members of Council sit on the Committee of the Whole. Staff Reports are discussed at these meetings and department Directors or Managers are on hand to provide insight and answer questions. |
Council Meetings |
Council Meetings are generally held on the fourth Monday in each month starting at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Administration Centre, 2297 Highway 12, Brechin. Occasionally, a Council meeting may be combined with a Committee of the Whole meeting, if the regular meeting date falls on a Statutory Holiday. Council meetings are open to the public and there are two opportunities for members of the public to address Council: Deputation and Open Forum. Council Meetings are where formal decisions are made on issues discussed previously at Committee of the Whole Meetings. Bylaws are officially passed at Council Meetings. |
Closed Meetings |
Closed meetings of Council or Committee of the Whole are held to discuss confidential matters without the public or media present. Subject matters that may be held in closed session deal with the following:
Special Meetings |
Occasionally, a Special meeting of Council or Committee of the Whole may be called at any time by the Mayor to deal with matters of an urgent nature. Twenty-four hours' notice is required, except in the case of a disaster. Special Meetings may also be held for the purpose of a Public Meeting under the Planning Act. |
Watching Council or Committee meetings
Watching Council or Committee meetings |
Residents can watch any upcoming or past meeting by visiting the Township's YouTube Channel or by visiting the iCompass portal, clicking on the agenda and clicking on video on the top of the page. For more information, please check out the video below on how to access the Township's Council and Committee meetings. Subscribe now to the Township's YouTube Channel Please be advised that all Township Council and Committee meetings held in Council Chambers will be webcast, audio and video recorded. The Minutes and Agendas for all Council and Committee meetings are available in our iCompass portal. |
Attending a Council and Committee meeting
Please be advised that all Township Council and Committee meetings held in Council Chambers will be webcast, audio and video recorded.
Disclaimer |
All public meetings of Ramara Township Council are being streamed live on the Township of Ramara YouTube Channel. While meetings are open to the public, Council recognizes that not everyone can attend in person. Livestreaming gives all community members the opportunity to watch and listen to meetings, either in real time or at their convenience, giving greater access to Council decision making and debate. By attending a public meeting of the Council attendees are consenting to their image, voice and comments being recorded. The Chair and/or the Chief Administrative Officer have the discretion and authority at any time to direct the termination or interruption of live streaming. Such direction will only be given in exceptional circumstances where deemed relevant. Circumstances may include instances where the content of debate is considered misleading, defamatory or potentially inappropriate to be published. While Council will make every effort to ensure that live streaming is available, it takes no responsibility for, and cannot be held liable for technical issues beyond its control. Technical issues may include but are not limited to the availability of the internet connection, device failure or malfunction, unavailability of social media platforms or power outages. |
Contact Us
Jennifer Connor
Director of Legislative Services/Clerk
2297 Highway 12, PO Box 130, Brechin, ON, LOK 1B0
T. 705-484-5374,ext. 261