The Lagoon City Parks and Waterways Commission comprises of five members and was established by Council to manage, maintain, regulate and control the private beaches & parks, canals, footbridges, and footpaths in Lagoon City.
Meetings, Members and Highlights
Meet the Commission |
Your LCPWC is here for you and available to answer your questions and address your concerns.
Commission Meetings - Open Forum & Deputations |
Meetings are open to the public and are held on the second Thursday of each month. We encourage you to visit the iCompass Meeting Portal to view Commission agendas and minutes. The public and the media are able to provide comments during the designated Open Forum section of the L.C.P.W.C. meeting however, Commission Members will not respond or otherwise engage at this time. They will however, consider your comments prior to voting on the specific matter. Open forum registration |
L.C.P.W.C. Meeting Highlights |
Waterside Wisdom: Spring Speaker Series
The L.C.P.W.C Spring Speaker Series hosts a series of presentations each year to help residents learn about the health of Lake Simcoe, become excellent stewards of their waterside properties and understand how governance is applied to Lagoon City's lands and waterways. View the presentations below.
2024 |
2023 |
2022 |
Legislation Governing the LCPWC
Bill Pr11, An Act respecting the Township of Mara, is the act which established the L.C.P.W.C. in 1986.
Several Township of Ramara bylaws regulate issues involving Lagoon City:
- Bylaw 2001.50 - Bylaw to establish the Lagoon City Parks and Waterways Commission
- Consolidated Bylaw 2001.87, as amended by 2021.78, Levy Bylaw
- Bylaw 2020.63, being a bylaw to prohibit the dumping of waste
- Bylaw 2014.56, being a bylaw to prohibit fishing from bridges
- Bylaw 2020.16 Shorewall Bylaw regarding the construction and replacement of shorewalls in Lagoon City. Amended by Bylaw 2020.57
- Bylaw 2021.86, being a bylaw to regulate the mooring of boats in canals or waterways under the control and management of the lagoon city parks & waterways.
- Bylaw 2023.14, being a bylaw to Govern the Calling, Place and Proceedings of Meetings of the LCPWC
- PW-01-18 – Private Beaches Wristband Policy
PW-01-24 - Use of Lagoon City Private Facilities, Parks and North and South Beach Policy
Government of Ontario Resources
Conservation Ontario
Invasive species in Ontario
Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
Lagoon City Information & Resources
Lagoon City - Community Association
Lagoon City - History
Lagoon City - Marina & Variety
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