Lagoon City Parks and Waterways Commission Meeting - March 14, 2024
North Foot Bridge Rehabilitation Project Updates
The Township Engineers, EXP Services Inc., provided a copy of the North Foot Bridge Rehabilitation Tender outlining the location and scope of work, documents, drawings, and submission process. EXP reported that the supply and installation of cables will be added to the tender prior to its release. The Commission received the North Foot Bridge Rehabilitation Project update as information.
WeedsBGone – System Expansion Quote
WeedsBGone provided the Commission with a long-term expansion plan that outlined how the L.C.P.W.C. can strategically put the diffuser system into both the east and west sides of the Lagoon City canal system. To stay within the Commission’s approved 2024 Budget for the system’s expansion, WeedsBGone will provide an updated price and plan for 2024 to align with the 2024 Budget. The Commission approves receiving the System Expansion Quote as information and for an updated plan and price aligned with the 2024 Budget to be presented at the future Commission meeting.
L.C.P.W.C. and L.S.R.C.A. Research Partnership Update
Staff met with representatives from the Lake Simcoe Regional Conservation Authority (L.S.R.C.A.) and discussed a partnership regarding an environmental assessment of the lagoons, including nutrient chloride from winter maintenance, the impact of invasive species and joint interests between the two organizations. The L.S.R.C.A. reported that the partnership could include case studies at Lagoon City to focus on local issues and how these issues can be managed and mitigated. The L.S.R.C.A will provide an outline of project and funding options to consider in 2024, with implementation to be completed in 2025. The Commission approved to receive the update as information.
Weed Spraying - Request for Quote
Staff received two quotes for Weed Spraying for the period of 2024-2026 seasons. The quotes are outlined as follows:
Company |
Price (plus taxes) |
Wagner and Corporate |
$64,500 |
Green Stream |
$60,897 |
The Commission approved for award the weed spraying contract to Green Stream for the period of three years for a total price of $60,897, plus applicable taxes.
Online Private Beach Booking Form
The Commission approved receiving the details of the Private Beach Booking form as information and directed staff to create a booking form procedure with associated communications.
Other Updates
Councillor Bell provided an update on the Spring Community Engagement event she and Commissioner Shoesmith are planning in partnership with the Lagoon City Community Association (L.C.C.A.). Sherri reviewed the feedback she received from the community and the Committee's interest in continuing to plan and host the event. The Commission all agreed to proceed with the event.
Commissioner Mason reported that Councillor Bell and he will meet with the Lagoon City Yacht Club on April 27 to provide updates on the L.C.P.W.C's goals and initiatives.
Infrastructure Updates
The Director of Infrastructure advised that the Township will be turning on the bubbler system in the canals in the next couple of weeks.
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