Lagoon City Parks and Waterways Commission Meeting - April 18, 2024
Weed Harvesting – Off-Loading Ramp
The Township engineers provided a report outlining that the completion of phase 1 of the Weed off-loading ramp is complete by Four Brothers Construction with no deficiencies observed at the time of inspection by the Township engineers and that the final payment of $12,875.54 (including H.S.T.) be paid to the contractor. The Commission approved to receive the report as information.
Infrastructure Updates
- The Clean Flo System (bubblers) is turned and operational in the Lagoon City Canals
- The Engineers will bring the North Footbridge Tender results at the May Lagoon City Parks and Waterways meeting.
Canal Tour
The Commission approved attending the canal tour of the Lagoon City canals on June 13, 2024. The original date scheduled was in May during the Ward 4 Election.
Beach Online Booking form
At the February 8, 2024, Lagoon City Parks and Waterways Commission meeting, the Commission requested staff create an online form for booking beach space. Staff presented a draft form, policy, and terms and conditions that aligned with the policies and procedures used by the Ramara Recreation Department. The Commission approved that staff return the Use of Lagoon City North and South Private Beach policy to the next meeting with the following revisions: consistent language and term use, updating the procedure to reflect a levy-paying individual/organization vs a non-levy paying individual/organization.
Spring Community Engagement Event – Beach Party Event
Commissioner Shoesmith provided an update on the Spring Community Engagement Event he and Councillor Bell are planning in partnership with the Lagoon City Community Association (L.C.C.A.). The event will be a beach party on June 22, 2024, consisting of food, music, drinks and games. Commissioner Shoesmith provided a list of required items that the Commission and L.C.C.A. will require from the infrastructure department, including pylons, garbage bags, beach clean—up, etc.
Lands and Ownership Boundaries
Councillor Bell brought up the Lands and Ownership Boundaries report provided by staff at the September 14, 2024, L.C.P.W.C. meeting. Staff provided a rough map of the outline of lands that were privately owned, township owned (private) and township owned (public). With that information, Councillor Bell requests the various expenses the Commission has had to pay over the years for equipment or infrastructure that may not be in their jurisdiction. The Commission approved that staff investigate the boundary lines and provide a report at a future meeting.
Upcoming meeting change
The Lagoon City, Parks and Waterways Meeting will be on Thursday, May 16, due to the Ward 4 By-Election, with voting occurring between Monday, May 6-10 and Monday, May 13. Learn more about how to vote and who is running in the upcoming Ward 4 By-Election at www.ramara.ca/election.
Similar to Council Highlights, the document will be accessed through our Stay Informed page and the Lagoon City Parks and Waterways Commission page. Remember to subscribe to the L.C.P.W.C. page to get notified by email when the highlights are posted.
Don't forget that you can access the agenda and watch the meeting on our Civic Web Portal.
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