Council Meeting - November 27, 2023
Remarks by the Mayor
Mayor Clarke opened the meeting and reported attending the Remembrance Day ceremony at the Mara Rama Legion with Councillor Hetherington, Councillor Bell, and Deputy Mayor Bell. The mayor said he was proud to see the overwhelming turnout of people who came to honour those who served our country. Mayor Clarke also advised that he attended the third annual Tree of Hope lighting ceremony on November 12 with Councillor Tuju to raise awareness for missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirited people (MMIWG2S).
Other members of the Council provided the following remarks:
- Councillor Tuju advised that the trees are lit with red LED lights, each signifying one missing or murdered Indigenous women, girl, and two-spirited person. The public can view the trees in front of the Rama Police Station.
- Councillor Tuju, Deputy Mayor Bell and Ramara Fire Services participated in Rama’s 102nd Remembrance Day Service on National Aboriginal Veterans Day. Thank you to the Chippewas of Rama First Nation for including the Township of Ramara and Ramara Fire and Rescue Services on your special day to recognize and acknowledge the many contributions and sacrifices of First Nation men and women.
- Councillor Tuju joined the Barrie Legion Branch and the City Barrie’s Remembrance Day ceremony with her son - a Royal Canadian Sea Cadet – to honour and acknowledge the many contributions of Canadian men and women.
Remarks by the CAO
CAO Drinkwalter provided the following remarks:
- The fourth annual Feeding Families Campaign runs until December 15. The public can donate new or used mitts, hats, winter jackets, non-perishable food items, money, and gift cards. Our annual goal is to raise $10,000 to support local children and their families through the holiday season. Businesses and residents who want to donate can do so during business hours at the Township Administration Building or the Ramara Centre.
- Overnight Parking restrictions are in effect until April 15. No overnight parking is permitted between 12 a.m. and 7 a.m. on any municipal road in the township.
- On November 30, the Township Administration Office and facilities will be closed until 10 a.m. to have a staff holiday recognition event.
Public Meeting
The meeting was held regarding the proposed bylaw to stop-up, close and transfer Victoria Park Road, Williams Road, Willison Road, Benson Road and Fish Sideroad to the Chippewas of Rama First Nation and 1000032980 Ontario Limited. The stop-up and close of the road is the process required to legally transfer the roads and does not mean that the roads will be closed. Council approved the stop-up, close and transfer of the roads and declaring the lands surplus to the needs of the Corporation of the Township of Ramara.
Proposed 2024 Final Budget
Ramara Council approved its 2024 budget with a 5% increase on the municipal portion of the tax rate, equating to an extra $28.41 per $100,000 assessment value. This year, the budget reflects the reinvestment into core infrastructure and the strategic planning of future roads and recreation, with 18.4 million allocated to capital projects.
Ramara Trails – Construction Tender Award, Sideroad 15 South of Concession Road 7
Since May 2021, Township staff, the Trails Committee, and Tatham Engineering have been working with the LSRCA to design and create a multi-use trail on Sideroad 15 from Concession Road 7 south toward Lagoon City; this trail, which will use a phased approach, will connect the Bayshore Trail to the Lagoon City Trail. Staff received the LSRCA's approved permit and quickly sent quotation packages to seven contractors.
Two bids were received from qualified contractors:
- Four Brothers Construction $137,000, plus taxes.
- Todd Brothers Construction $243,506.61, plus taxes.
Council approved staff contracting with Four Brothers Construction to construct the Ramara Trails extension on Sideroad 15.
Bayshore Village Sewage Works Expenditure Request
In following up with the November 13 report sent to the Committee of the Whole, staff had to end the spray season due to weather ahead of the approved December 15, 2023 extension date and are recommending to arrange for a minimum of 20,000 cubic metres of effluent be pumped and hauled to the Lagoon City sewage treatment plant. Staff received prices from two companies and outlined costs based on three scenarios regarding storage volume. As this project was not planned for or budgeted for, staff are requesting Council to approve the expenditure request of $399,715.26.
Council approved the expenditure of $320,715.26 plus a $79,000 contingency, for a total of $399,715.26, for the cost of hauling effluent from the Bayshore Village sewage ponds to the Lagoon City sewage treatment plant.
Bills and Bylaws
Council passed the following Bylaws:
- A Bylaw to Adopt Amendment Number 23 to the Official Plan of the Township of Ramara.
- A Bylaw to Adopt Amendment Number 24 to the Official Plan of the Township of Ramara.
- A Bylaw to Amend Zoning Bylaw 2005.85, as amended (Ramara- Chippewas of Rama First Nation Road Transfer).
- A Bylaw to Amend Parking Bylaw 2003.52 Being a Bylaw to regulate the Parking Vehicles within the Township of Ramara.
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For More Information
For more details on any of these items, see the full meeting Agenda or view the meeting on the Township of Ramara's YouTube Channel.
The Meeting highlights are prepared to give residents a timely update on decisions of Council. The Council Meeting Minutes are the official record of the meeting.
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