Committee of the Whole - October 16, 2023
Please note that all Committee of the Whole decisions are subject to Council approval. The next Council meeting is scheduled for October 30, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. If you have any questions regarding agenda items or decisions made at Committee or Council meetings, please email jgalvao@ramara.ca.
Asset Management Plan for Water and Wastewater Systems
The Asset Management Plan for Core Assets, as stipulated by O. Reg 588/17, outlines the state of infrastructure, replacement costs, condition, level of service, life cycle activities and performance measures of our water and wastewater systems. The report also highlights the spending forecasts to maintain the current performance of the systems, which is approximately $940,000 per year (in 2022 dollars) and the long-term funding gap, which is approximately $205,000 per year. As this document is a living document, it will require periodic updates to reflect new information and changes to community priorities. Committee approved the Asset Management Plan for Water and Wastewater Systems.
Lagoon City Wastewater Treatment Plant Servicing
The Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) prepared a wastewater servicing strategy for the Lagoon City wastewater treatment plant to examine current and future servicing needs and requirements. The strategy, which services the settlement area of Brechin and Lagoon City, outlines when the Township, with support from OCWA, will plan or invest in capital requirements, such as upgrading the existing facility or constructing a new treatment plant. As the timing of future development is unknown, staff recommended creating a detailed capital program, which will identify the long-term general construction sequencing of the plan to meet future wastewater flows and continue with the inflow and infiltration (I&I) program to reduce extraneous flows and enable to servicing of more units before the plant reaches capacity. The Committee approved staff recommendations.
Deeming By-law, Plan 694 Lot 1, 4491 Anderson Avenue
The property owner at 4491 Anderson Avenue submitted an application requesting that the Council pass a deeming by-law to facilitate the merging of 4491 and 4995 Anderson Avenue. The Committee approved the Deeming By-law for 4491 Anderson Avenue to be forwarded to the next Council meeting for consideration.
Ramara Fire and Rescue Services – 2023 Calls for Service Statistics
The Fire Chief presented an overview of the department’s year-to-date 2023 statistics on calls for service. As of September 2023, the department responded to 337 calls, a 6.38% decrease from the previous year, with the top three response calls being Medical Assistance response, Motor Vehicle Accidents and Burn Complaints. This year, Ramara Fire and Rescue Services has been working hard to complete the following:
- Recruited 20 new fully certified firefighters in a joint recruitment with Rama First Nation Fire Services.
- Resume in-person Public Education and fire Prevention initiatives in the schools, fairs and service group events.
- Executed more digital public education campaigns using social media and the website.
- Continue with the smoke alarm program and door-to-door campaign.
STRA Bylaw Request for Exemption – 300 Meter Setback (2757 Stone Gate Road)
On August 28, the owner of 2757 Stone Gate Road requested the Council reconsider the denial of his Short-term Rental Accommodation licence due to the 300-meter restriction. Staff prepared a report outlining that the property is not eligible for a licence due to the 300-meter setback of two STRAs and that the applicant can add his name to the STRA Licensing Waiting List. The Committee approved to receive the report as information.
Amendment of Township of Ramara Noise Control Bylaw 2018.44, to include properties zoned Shoreline Residential
The current Noise Control Bylaw (2018.44) regulates and prohibits noise in Lagoon City and Bayshore Village. Staff presented the report to the Committee, as requested by the Council, to extend the bylaw to all Shoreline Residential properties in Ramara to give Township Enforcement staff jurisdiction to address concerns or disturbances in these areas. The Committee approved to amend Bylaw 2018.044 to include all properties zoned Shoreline Residential within the Township’s comprehensive Zoning Bylaw. The Committee also approved for staff to provide a further report to consider expansion of the noise bylaw to include properties within 300 of an STRA property. The updated Bylaw will be brought forward at the October 30 Council meeting.
2023 Bylaw Enforcement 2nd and 3rd Quarter Reports
The Manager of Community Standards and Recreation presented the 2nd and 3rd quarterly Statistic Reports regarding the Bylaw Enforcement’s enforcement activities of the Township’s regulatory bylaws. At the end of Quarter two, the Bylaw Enforcement department responded to 364 calls, with the top three being Short-Term Rental Accommodations, Animal Control and Long Grass and Weeds.
At the end of Quarter three, the Bylaw Enforcement department responded to 734 calls, with the top three Service Request Types being Short-Term Rental Accommodations, Parking and Long Grass and Weeds.
Earth Day Roadside Cleanup Expansion
This past April, the Infrastructure Department developed and executed the Earth Day Cleanup initiative for residents to clean up their communities along roadsides and in public areas within the Township. For the first year, the program was successful, with 12 community cleanups organized with 80 participants. Similar to this year’s event, the program in 2024 will take place in April, and groups will need to pre-register, whether online or by paper. Once registered, the kits will be available at the Township Administration Office and the Ramara Centre. The Committee approved for the Earth Day cleanup program to remain as currently organized and to create a coordinated community Earth Day event.
Budgetary Cost Estimates – McArthur Sideroad, Concession Road 3, and Longford Mills Community Centre
Over the past year, Council requested cost estimates to budget for road work or other projects throughout the Township. The estimates to be considered for the 2024 budget are presented below.
McArthur Sideroad from Fairgrounds to Coopers Falls Road – Hard Surfacing
- Surface Treatment with Slurry (second year) - $375,000 – lasts 7 to 10years
- Hot Mix Paving (single lift) - $700,000 – lasts 15 to 25 years
Concession Road 3 from Highway 12 to Ramara Road 47 – Hard Surfacing
- Surface Treatment with Slurry (second year) - $255,000 – lasts 7 to 10years
- Hot Mix Paving (single lift) - $505,000 – lasts 15 to 25 years
Longford Mills Community Centre Parking Lot – Hard Surfacing
- Site works and paving - $25,000
Committee approved to receive the report as information.
2023 Annual Accessibility Status Report
The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, requires that every municipality prepare a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (MYAP), update the plan every five years and provide Annual Accessibility Status Reports for years in between the full reviews. Ramara Township’s MYAP was last reviewed in 2019. The Committee approved the 2023 Annual Accessibility Status Report as presented.
View the 2023 Annual Accessibility Status Report
Ramara Council/COW 20024 Meeting Schedule
Committee adopted the Ramara Council/COW 2024 meet schedule as attached to Report CD-23-23.
View 2024 Council/COW meeting schedule
Ramara Library Presentation
Jane Ste. Marie, Library Board Chairperson, and Janet Banfield, Chief Executive Officer, provided an update to the Committee on the projects, programs and services developed and/or executed by the library. The update included the following highlights:
- After the Brechin closure, staff worked diligently to move and disperse the Brechin Branch collection. A temporary Brechin location is open on Thursdays (12 p.m. to 6 p.m.) and Saturdays (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.) at 3227 Ramara Road 47.
- Staff have increased the use of digital library services with new eResources, such as cloudLibrary, Linkedin Learning, Transparent Language, Brain fuse – Help Now, and Brainfuse – Job Now.
- Staff are in the process of migrating over to Microsoft 365. This process has resulted in extra time in training and learning the new software and ensuring that all documents and emails are migrated.
- Staff presented the library survey results launched in the summer to get feedback from all library users and non-users on ways the library can better serve the community through library services.
- Staff presented summer success with its Summer Reading program, School reading competition, Summer wrap-up party, take-home kits and summer programs and services.
Baseball Diamond Revitalization
At the May 8, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting, the Council inquired and requested a report on the estimated cost to revitalize the current baseball diamonds at Brechin Park, Udney Community Centre and Ramara Centre.
The revitalization of the ball diamonds requires the following work to be completed:
- Sand infields should be dug out to a depth between six to ten inches to remove any soil and organics.
- Rebuild the infield with new sports mix ball diamond sand that meets all ASTM requirements.
- Maintain the outfield with topsoil, over seeding and fertilization.
- Updating the light system and seating, as required.
The cost of the revitalization is estimated at $60,000 to $80,000 for each diamond. As well, staff are requesting to purchase an infield maintainer at $10,000. This estimate does not include any electrical or lighting upgrades. The Committee approved to receive this report as information.
Drone Light Show for Canada Day 2024
At the May 8, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting, Council inquired and requested a report on the estimated cost to host a Drone Light Show for Canada Day in 2024. Staff investigated the costs and found that the price ranged from $16k to $30k depending on the amount of drones requested for the show. The drones can fly up in the air for 18 minutes and would require a 30 x 30 metre take-off area. The Committee approved to receive this report as information.
Infrastructure Update
- Playground Update! - The contractors have completed the site preparations for the playground equipment at Bluebird Park and Lagoon City's Public Beach and Park. The equipment is expected to be installed in late November to early December.
- Ramara Road 47 - The contractors are prepping to add hotmix paving to Ramara Road 47 from Concession Road B to A by the end of November. In 2024, the contractors will complete the project from Concession Road A to Concession Road 1, including installing hotmix asphalt and cleaning up the areas.
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For More Information
For more details on any of these items, see the full meeting Agenda or view the meeting on the Township of Ramara's YouTube Channel.
The Meeting highlights are prepared to give residents a timely update on decisions of Council. The Council Meeting Minutes are the official record of the meeting.
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