Council Highlights on February 26, 2024 – Combined Committee of the Whole and Council Meeting
Committee of the Whole
Area-Specific Development Charges Background Study and Draft Rates Presentation
Jackie Hall from Hemson presented an updated area-specific development charges (ASDCs) report for Brechin/Lagoon City and Bayshore Village and created new area-specific development charges for Rama Road.
Municipalities charge development charges on new developments to help pay for the capital costs of infrastructure to support new growth. As the current ASDC bylaw focusing on Brechin/Lagoon City and Bayshore Village expires on August 27, 2024, Jackie has outlined the process to repeal and replace the existing ASDC bylaws and introduce a new bylaw for Rama Road.
The presentation outlines the following information: Development forecast, Growth-Related Capital programs, calculated development charges and a timeline.
Council approved receiving the presentation as information.
Water and Wastewater Rate Review for 2024-2032
During the 2024 Budget meetings, staff expressed concerns about the need for more funding for the Water and Wastewater Designated Ratepayer's budget. During those discussions, Council requested staff to proceed with a staff-led water/wastewater rate study process.
Over the past couple of months, staff has gathered financial data and reviewed current and future capital and maintenance plans outlined by the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) and past rate studies to determine rates that will adequately fund infrastructure to meet legislation and provide safe water and wastewater services.
Staff is proposing for the rates to be re-examined in two to three years, and yearly rate increases should increase as follows: 8% for water rates, 5% for wastewater rates and 8% for Bulk Water rates for the period of 2024 to 2032.
Council approved for staff to hold an open house to educate and determine solutions to fund water and wastewater infrastructure adequately. Also, the Council approved the following rates to be re-examined during 2024 Budget discussions: an 8% increase in water rates, a 5% increase in wastewater rates and an 8% increase in Bulk Water rates.
View Water and Wastewater Rate Presentation
Failure and replacement of one rooftop heating/air conditioning unit at the Administration Building
In early January 2024, one of the five rooftop heating and air conditioning units failed at the Township Administration Building. After inspection and scheduling for maintenance, it was found that the manufacturer no longer has the available parts for the unit and it was determined that it would be economically better to replace the unit than find parts. As the replacement of the unit was deemed an emergency in order to control the heating of the building, staff received three quotes from area contractors and awarded Roberts Air Systems the contract for the price of $15,980. Staff have also included in their future budgets the money to replace each unit over the next four years to ensure that this problem does not arise in the future. Council received this report as information.
2023-2026 Work Plan and 2024 Priorities
Council initiatives provide an opportunity for Council, as a whole, to outline shared priorities for the Township that will be researched, planned, and initiated during their Council term. As outlined in the Strategic Plan, the 2023-2026 Work Plan outlines the various initiatives and priorities to be completed over the next four years. As well, the 2024 Priorities chart outlines the projects to be completed within 2024. Council approved the 2023-2026 Work Plan and 2024 Strategic Priorities.
Upcoming 2024 Grants
Staff compiled a list of seven grant opportunities that are available or have been applied for that align with Ramara's 2023-2026 Strategic Plan.
Before the report came to Council, Staff applied for the Rural Economic Development Fund to revitalize St. Andrew's Hall and the Standard Bank, including engineering drawing, minor construction, and public Wi-Fi spots. Staff also applied for an EV charging station at the Township Administration Building.
Council approved for staff to apply to the Trans Canada Trail Care grant for Trans Canada Trail signage and gate materials for the Ramara Trail at the Casino and Washago Trail at South River Road.
Council approved for staff to apply to Simcoe County's Tourism, Culture and Sport Grant for a gate at Sideroad 15 and additional signage for the cycling route.
Council approved for staff to apply to the Tourism Growth Program for a full update to the Brechin Ball Park as outlined in the report, including upgrades to the dog park.
Council approved for staff to apply to the Ontario Trillium Fund Grant (OTF) for upgrades to the Township community centres as outlined in the report.
Council approved for staff to apply to the Housing Enabling Water fund for the Rama Road Sewer and Water system implementation.
Request to Purchase 6151 Bluebird Street
Staff received a request for the purchase of Township property – 6151 Bluebird Street. Staff completed a review and provided input on the request with the recommendation for the township to take no action in selling the lands. Council approved staff’s recommendation to not sell the lands.
Delegation of Authority for Amendments under Section 34 of the Planning Act – Holding Removal By-laws, Temporary Use By-laws and minor Zoning By-law Amendments
The Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021 (“Bill 13”), as outlined in subsection 39.2, allows Council to pass a bylaw that would delegate approval authority to either a committee of Council or an “individual who is an officer, employee or agent of the municipality” to pass bylaws under Section 34 (Zoning Bylaws) that are minor in nature, provided enabling Official Plan policy is in place.
The draft delegation of authority bylaw delegates authority to the Director of Building and Planning or their designate to remove holding symbols, pass temporary use zoning bylaws and pass minor zoning amendments, which are considered housekeeping to aid in interpreting the Zoning Bylaw.
Adopting the delegation of authority bylaw will benefit the Township Council and staff by streamlining our processes, requiring less administration time for report writing, setting agendas and attending Council meetings. It will also accelerate development approvals, focus work on matters that need greater attention, and save money and time, all of which will help to build more homes faster for less.
Council approved the delegation of authority for certain planning applications under Section 34 of the Planning Act to be forwarded to the March 25, 2024, Council meeting for consideration.
Interim Official Plan and Zoning By-law Update
The Township of Ramara is currently undertaking a comprehensive update to its Official Plan. The intent of the process is to have a draft Official Plan prepared so that once the Province approves the draft Provincial Planning Statement the Township's Official Plan will be prepared and ready for final public consultation and subsequent adoption. The timing for the approval of the Provincial Planning Statement has changed since the original plan set forth by the Province. The original target was Fall 2023.
Staff have identified clear outdated items in the 2003 Official Plan that act as barriers to development proposals, as well as a housekeeping component to the due to changes at the Provincial level. The draft Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments will be finalized and available on the Township website when the public meeting notice is published for the municipal-led amendment.
Telecom Protocol
Staff provided a Protocol for Establishing Telecommunications Tower/Antenna Facilities to establish a guideline for the Township, proponents and the general public for considering and establishing telecommunication facilities within Ramara that will have minimal impact on the community. Council approved the Protocol for Establishing Telecommunication Tower/Antenna Facilities.
Tile Drainage Loan – 3163 Monck Road
Council approved the Tile Drainage Loan Application in the amount of up to $50,000 for the property owner of 3163 Monck Road, North Part Lot 17 Concession Road 13 to be conditionally approved upon Ministry of Agricultural funding.
Council – February 26
Remarks by the Mayor
Mayor Clarke opened the meeting and discussed that the Committee of the Whole meeting was moved from Monday, February 12, to February 26 due to a death he had in the family.
Councillor Fisher shared some exciting news about the McIssac Annual Mini Golf Tournament, which took place on Friday, February 3, 2024, at the Brechin-Mara Legion. The event attracted 102 mini-golfers, and all proceeds were donated to the Brechin-Mara Legion building fund. The winner of the competition was none other than Councillor Jennifer Fisher.
Presentations, Receiving of Petitions and Deputations
Petition regarding sewage treatment rate increases from residents of Lagoon City, Bayshore Village and Brechin.
Sheilagh Henry provided a deputation and petition with over 400 signatures to Council regarding residents of Lagoon City, Bayshore Village and Brechin holding off on the sewage treatment rate increases until a transparent review and active involvement of residents can be conducted.
Consent Agenda
Integrity Commissioner Report regarding Code of Conduct Complaint dated December 27, 2023
The Township received an Integrity Commissioner Report regarding a Code of Conduct Complaint against Mayor Clarke concerning his conduct respecting a proposed development, including that the member misled Council members, staff and the public about the existence of a Ministerial Zoning Order (MZO) the complainant alleged did not exist. The Integrity Commissioner Report advised that no breach of the Code of Conduct by the Member was found and the Complaints are dismissed. Council received the report as information.
Bills and Bylaws
Council passed the following Bylaws:
- A Bylaw to Amend Zoning By-law – Z-10/23 3163 Monck Road
- A Bylaw to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Township of Ramara and the Canadian National Railway Company
- A Bylaw imposing special annual drainage rates upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act
Requested and Upcoming Reports
The following reports are requested by Council
- An amendment to the Property Standards Bylaw to include lighting mitigation through barriers or deflectors.
- An update from the Good Doctors, including users and the possibility of expansion.
- An education piece in the spring utility insert regarding the resident's responsibility with the Backflow preventer and pressure tank.
- A report regarding 2024 Parking Strategy including seasonal parking and parking permits.
- A report regarding temporary sign bylaw
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