Council – July 22, 2024
Remarks by the Mayor
Mayor Clarke opened the meeting and reported that Deputy Mayor Bell and he had attended the annual Ramara Township Staff versus the Ramara Fire and Rescue Firefighters baseball game. This year, the Ramara Fire and Rescue Firefighters won 23-21, and all the staff and firefighters celebrated with a barbecue.
Mayor Clarke also mentioned that on Saturday, July 13, Councillor Snutch and he attended the Lake St. John Cottage and Home Owners Association’s Annual General Meeting. The Association is delighted with the new playground and eagerly awaits the new benches.
Councillor Bell reported that she attended the 12th annual Ramara Chamber of Commerce Classic Car show, which took place on Saturday, July 13, in Lagoon City. The event was a huge success, with the largest turnout of cars and was well-attended by many residents and visitors.
Councillor Bell also mentioned her attendance at the Lagoon City Bloom Awards dinner, which was held on Tuesday, July 16, at the Lagoon City Community Association (L.C.C.A) to support the L.C.C.A’s beautification projects.
Members of Council reported their participation in many of the Canada Day events around Ramara. Councillor Tuju reported that Councillor Snutch, Councillor Bell, and herself attended the annual Washago Canada Day Parade. Mayor Clarke further reported that Deputy Mayor Bell, Councillor Fisher, and Councillor Gough attended the annual Canada Day Bayshore Village parade.
Remarks by the CAO
CAO Robin Dunn provided the following administration update.
- This Thursday, the Township Administration Building will be closed from 9 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. for an all-staff meeting. We will communicate this closure tomorrow through all our communication channels.
- Residents are reminded to complete the Recreation Master Plan Survey, which is available until Friday, August 2. Additionally, two Recreation Master Plan open houses are scheduled for Monday, July 29. Residents can visit our homepage to access more information and the survey link.
- The Civic long weekend is fast approaching. The public is reminded that the Township Administration Building and facilities will be closed on Monday, August 5, 2024. Regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, at 9 a.m.
- Summer marks the start and completion of various capital projects. The Ramara Road 47 project is near completion and is anticipated to be finished in the next two weeks. In Lagoon City, the beach revitalization project began on July 22 at the public Lagoon City Beach and Park. The work is expected to be completed by Thursday, July 25, weather permitting. As well, staff are awaiting the permit from Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority to start the work on the North Footbridge. The footbridge will remain open until construction commences, which staff anticipates to start any day now.
Presentations, Receiving of Petitions and Deputations
Orillia and Lake Country Physician Recruitment
Melanie Delion, Community Physician Recruiter, and Marino Fernandopulle, Chair of Orillia and Lake Country Physician Recruitment (O.L.C.P.R.), provided a comprehensive overview of O.L.C.P.R.'s historical background, detailing its recruitment activities since January 2024 and presenting an up-to-date assessment of the region's family physician landscape. They outlined the organization's recruitment objectives, the physician needs of the community, industry obstacles, government programs, and ongoing recruitment efforts, including relationship building and international recruitment. Council approved the presentation as information from Melanie Delion, Orillia and Lake Country Physician Recruitment regarding the 2025 Budget.
ESS Soils
Matthew Cinelli of Essential Soils Solutions presented to Council a comprehensive overview of Essential Soils Solutions and the NRK Remediation Facility at 7406 Concession Road B-C. The presentation encompassed detailed information about the NRK Remediated Facility Station, including soil acceptance protocols, securities and liability coverage, and economic benefits. Council approved to receive the presentation from Matthew Cinelli, ESS Soils as information.
Consent Agenda
Ramara Township Public Library resignation
Thank you Mr. Szijarto for your years of service, and your time and commitment to the Ramara Township Public Library Board.
Adoption of Minutes
Council discussed a variety of amendments and revisions to resolutions from the Committee of the Whole Meeting held on July 9, 2024. The resolutions for discussion and reconsideration were CW.116.24 (Bayshore Village Sewage Works Effluent Hauling), CW.117.24 (Mandatory Connection Bylaw), CW.118.24 (Water/Wastewater Frequently Asked Questions), CW.130.24 (Committee Appointments - Goose Management Committee), CW.131.24 (Climate Action Committee), and CW.132.24 (Committee Per Diem).
Items Requiring Immediate Attention of Council
Infrastructure Tender Award Bridge 206 Replacement
Staff have been collaborating with Tatham Engineering to replace Bridge 206 on Concession Road 9. The concrete degradation necessitated a replacement, and the bidding process closed on July 11, 2024, with Arnott Construction Limited submitting the lowest bid. Based on positive past experiences, staff and Tatham recommend awarding the contract to Arnott, with the project scheduled for completion by December 6, 2024. Council approved to contract with Arnott Construction limited for the replacement of Bridge 206 at the bid price of $482,000.00, plus taxes.
County Council Update
The highlights from the June 25, 2024 County Council meetings are now available.
Announcement and Inquiries – Members of Council
Councillor Snutch requested clarification at the next Committee of the Whole meeting where Roosters are allowed versus not allowed within the Township of Ramara.
Councillor Bell reported that the Performance Boat Club of Canada’s Lake Simcoe Rescue Poker Run will take place on Saturday, August 17. The Poker Run is in benefit of Ramara Fire and Rescue Marine Unit. Performance boats will gather at Lagoon City Pier One Resort, departing for the day-long course at 10 a.m. and returning at about 3:15 p.m.
Requests for Reports from Council Members
Councillor Snutch requested a report regarding an update on the Mandatory Septic Re-Inspection Program.
Councillor Bell requested a report regarding the parking issues at the cul-de-sac at the end of Poplar Cres.
Staff reported that a report regarding the update to the Procedural Bylaw will come back to members of Council in the fall to early winter.
Bills and Bylaws
Council passed the following Bylaws:
- A Bylaw to Designate a “Site Plan Control Area” from the Township of Ramara
- A Bylaw to Establish Consultation Prior to Submission of Planning Applications and Delegation of Authority for Completeness of Planning Applications.
- A Bylaw to provide the acquisition of Part of Lot 20, Concession B being Parts 2 and 10 on Reference Plan 51R-44469; Township of Ramara, County of Simcoe.
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For More Information
For more details on any of these items, see the full meeting Agenda or view the meeting on the Township of Ramara's YouTube Channel.
The Meeting highlights are prepared to give residents a timely update on decisions of Council. The Council Meeting Minutes are the official record of the meeting.
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