Council Meeting - February 24, 2025
Council Meeting
Remarks by the Mayor
Mayor Clarke opened the meeting by thanking the roads department staff for their hard work in managing this winter's significant snowfall. He acknowledged the challenges they faced and praised their commitment to keeping the community's roads safe and accessible.
Councillor Tuju announced that this week is Invasive Species Awareness Week (ISAW). The Invasive Species Centre is sharing information and resources to raise awareness about invasive species. This week’s themes include understanding invasive species, pathways of spread, ongoing research, prevention methods, and reporting procedures.
Councillor Fisher reported that she attended the Robert Bowles Nature Centre Family Day Winterfest on Monday, February 17, 2025. At the event, individuals and families enjoyed a guided nature walk with Bob Bowles at 1 p.m., as well as activities such as cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, pond skating, and tobogganing.
Councillor Bell also had a busy Family Day long weekend. On the same day, February 17, she participated in the Family Day Winterfest at the Robert Bowles Nature Centre, taking part in a guided snowshoeing tour with Bob Bowles. Additionally, Councillor Bell joined the 5th Annual Brechin Lions Club Ice Fishing Derby on Saturday, February 15. The heavy snowfall impacted ice fishing conditions, and the evening snow affected the dinner, but overall, it was a successful event with many community members participating. The weekend prior, Councillor Bell attended the Ontario Association of Agriculture Societies Conference's two-day workshop, where she connected with rural farmers, experts, and industry leaders to explore the latest innovations in agriculture. She also has been distributing Ramara Rocks winter hats to promote the Ramara Experience.
Deputy Mayor Bell reported attending the annual Ramona Hall Winterfest, where he was joined by 265 other attendees. Despite the blustery weather, everyone enjoyed the festivities, which included delicious hot food, a kids' craft corner, a silent auction, and prizes for the best plaid outfit. Additionally, he attended Bud and Betty Wright's 60th wedding anniversary party. Congratulations, Bud and Betty!
CAO Update
CAO Jackson expressed her gratitude to the roads crew for their exceptional hard work and dedication during the recent series of snowstorms, which brought significant challenges with heavy snowfall accumulation. She acknowledged their efforts in ensuring safe and accessible roadways for the community throughout the winter months. Additionally, CAO Jackson also welcomed Interim Director Andrew Schell, who will assist the infrastructure department in hiring a new director and providing support during its transition.
Consent Agenda
Ramara Integrity Commissioner Report – Code of Conduct Complaint
As outlined in Section 223.6(3) of the Municipal Act, it requires that Integrity Commissioner Reports be made public and placed on the agenda for the next open session of the Council meeting for discussion. On February 7, 2025, the Township of Ramara received a Code of Conduct complaint from the Integrity Commissioner alleging that Mayor Clarke breached the Code of Conduct by misleading Council and the public by raising a point of order at the October 28, 2024, meeting to state that the correct percentage that were users of the water system was not 44% of the population. The report found that in relation to the Code of Conduct, there was no dishonesty or intent to mislead; therefore, the Complaint is dismissed.
View full Integrity Commissioner Report
Brechin Public School Raffle
Brechin Public School is hosting the Brechin Bobcat Raffle draw this spring and is requesting donations from the Brechin community and local businesses as part of the fundraising efforts to support the purchase of technology, playground equipment, library books, musical instruments and much more. The Council approved donating one free week of Ramara Recreation Camp to the Raffle.
Reports of Committees and Boards
Parking in Ramara
Council has approved expanding the Resident Permit parking program to include Southview Drive and Barnstable Road, as well as the paid parking program on Lakeshore from Simcoe Road to Maple Trail.
Are you experiencing a parking issue on your street, whether related to the paid or resident permit parking programs? If so, please reach out to our bylaw department by completing the online Report a Concern form or by emailing bylaw@ramara.ca. As the Council works to improve parking in the Township, your feedback and data will help provide clear and informed insights.
Items Requiring the Immediate Attention of Council
Ontario Small Urban Municipalities Conference Registration
The Ontario Small Urban Municipalities (OSUM) Annual Conference is the opportunity for Ontario's counties, small cities, and towns' municipal leaders to come together on the critical issues facing small urban Ontario. The Council approved for staff to register Councillor Snutch for the Ontario Small Urban Municipalities Conference.
Shared Building Services Agreement Renewal with Rama First Nation
Since May 2024, the Township of Ramara has been providing shared building services to the Chippewas of Ramara First Nation through a cost recovery model to ensure fairness and sustainability for both entities. Council approved to renew the contract for shared building services with the Chippewas of Rama First Nation and that staff be delegated the authority to renew the contract in the future as deemed appropriate.
2025 Strategic Priorities
The Council approved the 2025 Strategic Priorities as outlined at the February 10, Committee of the Whole meeting. The 2025 Strategic Priorities are outlined in the 2023-2026 Workplan and provide a clear framework for the objectives the Township aims to achieve this year.
County Council Update
The highlights from the February 11 County Council meeting is now available.
View February 11 County Highlights
Bills and Bylaws
Council passed the following Bylaws:
- A By-law to Amend Zoning By-law #2005.85 (4195 Mcrae Park Road)
- A Bylaw to Authorize the Execution of an Agreement with Simcoe County Municipalities "Subscriber's Agreement" for the Establishment of an Insurance Pool and the Purchase of Insurance
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For More Information
For more details on any of these items, see the full meeting Agenda or view the meeting on the Township of Ramara's YouTube Channel.
The Meeting highlights are prepared to give residents a timely update on decisions of Council. The Council Meeting Minutes are the official record of the meeting.
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