Committee of the Whole – October 7, 2024
Please note that all Committee of the Whole decisions are subject to Council approval. The next Council meeting (public portion) is scheduled for October 21, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. If you have any questions regarding agenda items or decisions made at Committee or Council meetings, please email Amber at amcdonald@ramara.ca.
Deputations and Presentations
Ramara Library Board Update
The CEO of the Ramara Township Public Library, Janet Banfield, along with Board Chair, Jane Ste. Marie, delivered an update on library services to Council. The presentation provided a comprehensive overview of various statistical data, programs, and services catering to children, adults, and seniors, highlighting both ongoing challenges and notable achievements. Emphasis was placed on the innovative programs and services, encompassing outreach initiatives conducted by the library across the township, such as the Master Gardener series at Udney Community Centre, Bingo at the Brechin Legion, and Paint your BFF/Sibling at Longford Mills Community Centre. Additionally, new programs were introduced, including themed story bag kits sponsored by the Brechin Lions, automatic renewals, and the launch of a new interlibrary loan platform on November 12. Concluding the presentation, a staff-produced library video was showcased, demonstrating the library's capacity to create video blogs that spotlight available services, exceptional staff, and engaging programs. The Committee approved the presentation as information.
Ramara Recreation Master Plan update
Debbie Vandenakker and Ryan Lloyd from Planscape presented an update on the Ramara Recreation Master Plan. They discussed the stakeholder consultation and engagement activities, including survey results, interviews, and workshops. The presentation also covered the constraints related to recreation programming and Ramara parkland and facilities. Debbie and Ryan outlined the final steps of the project, which include hosting another public open house in November and presenting the final plan to the Council in December. The Committee approved the presentation and asked for a report on the costs of Planscape hosting five public open houses in the Ramara communities.
Community Sport and Recreation Fund
The Community Sport and Recreation Fund was announced in August as the Province's investment in new and upgraded sport and recreation infrastructure. The grant outlines two streams - Repair/Upgrade or New Builds - to make it easier for people to create healthier, more active lifestyles, make sports more accessible and help more communities host local, national and international events and competitions. As the Township is in the process of completing the Recreation Master Plan that will help identify future vision of recreation and sports in Ramara, staff are recommending to repair and upgrade the Ramara Centre to include the replacement of the roof and revitalization of ball field to increase the use of baseball. The Committee approved to receive the report as information and approved for staff to apply for the Community Sport and Recreation Fund.
Grant Update
Staff presented a comprehensive overview of grants that were either applied to in 2024 based on strategic initiatives, Council or Committee requests or completed in 2024. The report also detailed further grants that staff will be applying to including the Community Preparedness Grant, Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program, Housing Enabling Water Fund (HEWS) and Local Food Infrastructure Fund. This year, the Township will receive over $400,000 of grant money for projects completed in 2024. Please note that this overview outlines grants that staff applied to and is not inclusive of government funding, similar to the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund. The Committee approved to receive the report as information.
Ramara Township Library Board Retirement Letter – Janet Banfield
The Ramara Township Public Library CEO/Chief Librarian, Janet Banfield, provided notice to Council of her impending retirement effective January 3, 2025. Janet has been working as the CEO/Chief Librarian of the library for over 24 years and has been dedicated and responsible for the transformation and growth of library services in Ramara to what it is today. The Committee approved to accept the Ramara Township Library Board retirement letter from CEO, Janet Banfield as information.
Orillia and Lake Country Physician Recruitment
At the July 22, Council meeting, Council received a deputation from Melanie Delion, Community Physician Recruiter, and Marino Fernandopulle, Chair of Orillia and Lake Country Physician Recruitment (O.L.C.P.R.), regarding a comprehensive overview of the program with up-to-date assessment of the region's family physician landscape. Council discussed reaffirming its support for the program to improve access to healthcare services for Ramara residents. The Committee agreed to forward the request to support the physician recruitment program to the 2025 Budget discussions.
Independent Electricity System Operator Long-term 2 (IESO LT-2) Municipal Support Resolution Procedures
The Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) manages the power system, plans for future energy needs, and supports an efficient electricity marketplace. On August 28th, 2024, the Ontario government announced the Second Long-Term Procurement (LT-2) to make energy more affordable. LT-2 aims to plan future energy projects in communities with consent, while protecting prime agricultural areas by requiring municipal support, prohibiting projects in specialty crop areas, incentivizing projects in Northern Ontario, and promoting economic opportunities with Indigenous communities. Staff outlined in the report that there are two main components of municipal involvement when it comes to projects under the LT2 program: Municipal Support Resolution and Planning Act Approvals, including an established process and application details. The Committee approved to receive the report as information.
Proposed Amendments to Ontario Regulation 299/19 – Additional Residential Units - ERO Number 019-9210
The Environmental Registry of Ontario published proposed amendments to the Ontario Regulation 299/19 – Additional Residential Units made under the Planning Act to allow up to two additional residential units per property without having to comply with certain local zoning requirements. The changes include increasing the allowable lot coverage to 45%, which raises concerns about its impact on stormwater management infrastructure. Staff intend to submit a comment expressing concerns about the impact on fully serviced lots in Brechin and Lagoon City. The Committee approved to direct staff to author comments to submit to the Environmental Registry of Ontario.
Official Plan Amendment Number 27 (File OP-3/24) 5135 Sideroad 25 (Martin & Dvernichuk)
An application to amend the Township of Ramara Official Plan 2003 has been received for 5135 Sideroad 25. The amendment aims to allow for the creation of an additional lot, and the proposal would enable the property to obtain one additional consent for infill purposes between two existing residential lots. The application has been reviewed against relevant policies and a staff report was presented to Council at the Statutory Public Meeting on September 30, 2024. Concerns raised regarding lot size, setbacks, and property requirements, increased traffic and road maintenance, and the character of the neighborhood have been addressed. The amendment will result in a Special Policy established for the parcel, and following the adoption of the Official Plan Amendment, the amendment and accompanying documents will be forwarded to the County of Simcoe for approval, as outlined under the Planning Act. The Committee approves application OP-3/24 and the proposed Official Plan Amendment Number 27 be forwarded to the Council meeting on October 21, 2024 for adoption.
Update on the Mandatory On-Site Sewage Re-Inspection Program
As directed by Council, Staff’s report outlines an update regarding the Mandatory On-Site Sewage Re-Inspection program. The mandatory program is directed under the Ontario Building Code to support the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan and the Ontario Clean Water Act, 2006 to inspect all properties within 100 m of Lake Simcoe, Lake Simcoe watershed Tributaries and well head protection areas. This encompasses approximately 1,834 properties. In 2024, Phase 5 of the inspection program was completed, flagging 2.5% of properties for follow-ups due to various deficiencies. Next year, Phase 1 will be inspected as part of the ongoing 5-year cycle. The Committee approved to receive the report as information and for staff to add methods of reporting failed septic and holding tanks including adding it to the Report a Concern online form.
Learn more about the on-site sewage re-inspection program
- Ensure the layers are turned on by clicking the Layers’ button at the top and clicking ‘On-site Sewage Reinspection Phase and Year’ and ‘100m Lake Simcoe & Watershed Buffer Zone.’
Hauling Update
Staff provided an update on haulage and advised that as of September 27, the contractor has hauled 18,672 m3 of effluent out of the 120,000 m3 required to be hauled. Staff advised that due to the weather this year, OCWA was only able to spray 20,000m3 of effluent compared to the over 90,000 m3, sprayed in other years.
Canada Post – Winter Maintenance at mailbox in Lagoon City
Council discussed Canada Post's poor winter maintenance of the community mailboxes located at the intersection of Lake Ave and Poplar Cres, which has resulted in residents not being able to access their mail in a timely fashion. The Committee approved for staff to contact Canada Post regarding updating the mail bar in Lagoon City and possibly removing it from the township's parkland.
Muley Point Road - ‘S’ Curve
Staff advised that the speed sign was installed on Monday (Oct 7) on the southbound side on Muley Point Road and after a month will move it to the northbound side to capture data on the traffic speeds in this area. From the data, staff will prepare a report to Council with the data and recommendations on next steps.
Lakeshore Drive Servicing
Staff advised that the engineering for the water and/or sewer expansion is currently being undertaken with the finalized documents to release for tender which include Water only for Lakeshore from Simcoe to Con 3 and sewer servicing on Lone Birch, Ridge, and Maple Trail. Once the tender results are received by Tatham engineering, staff will provide a follow-up report to Council for their decision to proceed with the project.
Line Painting
Staff advised that the standard practice for many municipalities is to paint lines on collector and arterial roads, while residential roads are not to be painted. It is not legally required to paint lines on residential roads, and doing so could set a precedent for all residential areas within the township. Staff also pointed out that having lines on rural residential roads could impact safety, as drivers may be less inclined to move over safely to avoid objects, vehicles, or machinery on the side of the road if they are staying within the lines.
Ramara Road 47 Speed Limit
Council discussed reinstating the speed limit of Ramara Road 47 back to 80 km/hr, which was once reduced to 60 km/hr due the reconstruction of the road. The Committee approved for staff to review the speed limit bylaw that reduced the Ramara Road 47 to 60 km/hr.
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For More Information
For more details on any of these items, see the full meeting Agenda or view the meeting on the Township of Ramara's YouTube Channel.
The Meeting highlights are prepared to give residents a timely update on decisions of Council. The Council Meeting Minutes are the official record of the meeting.
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