Ramara/December 1, 2023 – Ramara Township's Recreation Department invites individuals, families, and friends to participate in the 14th annual Snowmanathon.
We ask Ramara residents and even businesses to build a snow creation, from a snowman to a snow animal, and send a picture of their creation to our recreation department before March 1, 2024. Each submission will be showcased on the township's social media channel.
"Each year, I am excited to see the community's creativity and how participants of all ages come together to compete in a friendly manner. With every snowfall this year, I hope everyone can get out and enjoy some winter-building fun."
~ Mayor Clarke
How to Participate
- Build a snow creation alone or with family members or friends.
- Please email photos of your snow creation to our Ramara Recreation department at recreation@ramara.ca until March 1, 2024.
Please note that all submitted entries agree that the Township of Ramara and Township of Ramara Recreation can share their picture and publicly identify them.
Voting and Prizes
After all the pictures are compiled, an expert judging panel will vote to award the winners. The contest winners will be acknowledged at a future council meeting and made famous on our social media platforms.
Media Contacts
Ashley Watson
Manager of Business, Communications and Community Engagement
Township of Ramara
705-484-5374 ext. 322
Contact Us