The Township of Ramara Sewage Collection Systems are currently receiving higher than normal sewage flows due to the heavy rainfall event.
Residents are reminded that connecting sump pumps, building drains or downspouts to the municipal sanitary sewer system is illegal and can lead to fines and other penalties. Please ensure your sump pump discharges to a safe location away from the sewer system.
Illegal connections are a problem because they:
- Overwhelm wastewater treatment, which can lead to discharging sanitary sewage into the natural environment.
- May cause sewage backups in basements.
What to do:
- Check your connections: Inspect your property to ensure your sump pump and downspouts are not discharging into the sanitary sewer system.
- Redirect discharge: If you have an illegal connection, you must redirect the discharge to a safe location, such as a lawn or rain garden, away from the sewer system.
- Contact the municipality: If you have questions or need assistance with disconnecting or redirecting your sump pump or downspouts, please contact the Infrastructure Department.
Please Make the Right Connection to protect your home and the municipal sanitary sewer system.
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