As of February 12, 2025, Environment Canada has issued a Winter Storm Warning for our area. The storm is anticipated to start on Wednesday evening and last until Thursday afternoon with snowfall amounts ranging from 20 to 30 cm.
There are a few important reminders to stay safe, either at home or on the road.
Before going out, check Alertable for weather conditions, facility closures, and travel alerts and Ontario511 for highway closures, travel times, and current and forecasted road conditions.
- Sign up for Alertable: www.ramara.ca/CIS
- Check Ontario 511: www.Ontario.ca/511
To help our snow plow operators clear the roads safely and efficiently, please follow these guidelines:
- No parking on the road.
- Do not deposit snow onto the road. This violates the Highway Traffic Act and creates unsafe conditions.
- Keep mailboxes, fire hydrants and green civic address signs visible and clear of snow.
- Keep children away from snowbanks. Do not allow them to tunnel into snowbanks, as they can collapse or may be pushed back by snowplows.
- Ensure that snow piles do not block access to fire hydrants, catch basins, drains, or culverts.
- Overnight parking (from midnight to 7 AM) is prohibited on any municipal roadway. Vehicles will be ticketed regardless of snow-clearing operations and weather conditions.
If you have a concern, please report it using our online reporting tool: www.ramara.ca/reportit.
For ways to protect you and your home:
- Clear snow from around your home's exhaust vents and generator to allow for carbon monoxide to escape outside.
- Check the snow loads on your roof to avoid roof failures and structural damage.
Learn more about winter emergency management tips on our website: www.ramara.ca/emergencymanagement.
For more information on the township's winter control activities, visit www.ramara.ca/wintercontrol. Remember to subscribe to Alertable and our News and Notices page to get up-to-date information on road closures, facility closures, and more. Sign up at www.ramara.ca/stayinformed.
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