Ramara Bulletin – January 2025 Edition
Welcome, Gayle Jackson!
We are excited to welcome Ms. Jackson to our Ramara team. We look forward to collaborating with her, as she will play a key role in improving the services we provide to our residents and advancing the Township of Ramara.
Important Dates and Events
January Council and Committee Meetings
- Monday, January 6 - Combined Committee of the Whole and Special Council meeting - 9:30 a.m.
- Thursday, January 9 - Lagoon City Parks and Waterways Commission - 9:30 a.m.
- Tuesday, January 14 - Committee of Adjustment - 9:30 a.m.
- Monday, January 27 - Council meeting - 7:00 p.m.
All Committee and Council meetings are streamed on the Township of Ramara's YouTube channel and available in person in the Council Chambers in the Administration Building at 2297 Highway 12. Learn more about Committee and Council meetings, including reading Council Highlights, how to communicate with Council and more at www.ramara.ca/Councilmeetings.
Recreation Master Plan Open House
The Township of Ramara is in the process of updating its Parks and Recreation Master Plan. This plan will guide the future development of recreational facilities, programs, and services within the municipality. We invite you to attend a public open house on Wednesday, February 5, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Township Administration Building, located at 2297 Highway 12.
As our community continues to grow, this updated plan will help the Township effectively manage and direct the development of parks, open spaces, programs, events, facilities, and amenities over the next ten years in a sustainable and cost-effective manner.
The open house will offer residents an opportunity to learn more about the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update and its significance for the future of the Township’s facilities, parks, programming, and open spaces. Attendees will have the chance to review draft recommendations, provide feedback, and ask questions to the project team. We hope to see you there!
Learn more about the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update
Township Reminders
Township's Community Information System - Alertable
Our Community Information System (CIS) provides alerts about emergencies and other important Township and community news directly to all your devices including e-mail, home phone, cell phone and even fax. Ramara CIS uses the Alertable system to allow for multiple means of communication for both Emergency Alerts and relaying Township and Community information.
Sign up today to receive an alert either by email, phone, text and more
Winter Operations
The Township of Ramara follows its Winter Control Policy, which complies with the Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways. This includes services such as snow plowing, sanding, ice treatment, and ice blading.
To help our snowplow operators clear the roads safely and efficiently, please follow these guidelines:
- Do not push snow from your property onto public streets or sidewalks. It is illegal to push or blow snow onto the roadway or sidewalk. Instead, direct snow onto your own yard.
- Avoid pushing large amounts of snow into ditches. This can cause ice buildup and block culverts.
- Please ensure your vehicle does not obstruct snow removal operations. Also, please refrain from overnight parking on all municipal roadways from midnight to 7 a.m.
- Clear storm drains of leaves and snow. Doing so helps prevent flooding.
- If there's a fire hydrant in front of your house, consider helping the Township of Ramara and Ramara Fire and Rescue Services by clearing a three-foot perimeter around the hydrant and creating a clear path from the hydrant to the street.
- Keep children away from snow banks. Do not allow children to tunnel into snow banks, as they can collapse or be pushed back by snowplows.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our community safe during winter!
Learn more about our winter operations in Ramara on our Winter Control page.
Overnight Parking
From November 15 to April 15, overnight parking is prohibited on ALL municipal (Ramara) roadways between midnight to 7 a.m.
View our Parking in Ramara page to learn about the Resident Permit Parking Program, paid parking and parking restrictions.
Pre-Authorized Payment - Utilities ONLY
The Township of Ramara is introducing a new 12-month Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP) Plan to make it more convenient for you to pay your utility bill. The current PAP plan, which involves regular instalments four times a year (April 30, July 31, October 31, and January 31), is still available.
The new program will take effect on January 1, 2025. Users can sign up at any time, but it takes three weeks after signing up for the program to come into effect.
How does it work?
The monthly PAP amount will be calculated based on usage in the previous year. For 11 months of the year (January to November), the same PAP amount will be automatically withdrawn from utility users' accounts. December of each year will be an adjustment month. During the adjustment month, any remaining balance for the year will be cleared, leaving the account with a zero balance or possibly a credit balance.
Please note that credit balances will not be refunded but used towards future billings. Refunds will only be issued if a property is sold. You can also sign up during the year if you meet all the requirements below.
Program Criteria
- The utility user must own the property for at least one year.
- The current utilities must be at a zero balance.
- The utility user must not miss their PAP payments. If a user misses payments less than twice a year, they can stay on the PAP if they make an agreement with the Utility Clerk and follow through with the agreement.
- The utility user must agree to the terms above.
How to Sign up
You can complete the Pre-Authorized Payment Plan form online, in person, or by mail. The electronic form can be found on our website.
Don't remove YOUR water meter
Unless authorized by the Township, property owners are prohibited from removing their water meter. If your meter needs to be winterized, a licensed plumber can do that without removing the meter.
If you are going away this winter, a licensed operator can turn the water off at the curb stop at a price of $50. This cose will be billed on the next billing cycle. When turning the water back on in the spring, an additional cost of $50 will be billed.
Contact OCWA at 705-484-5600 to book an appointment
2025 Dog Tags
Keep your furry friends safe! In the Township of Ramara, all dogs need to be licensed, and having a dog tag makes it easier to reunite lost pets with their loving families.
The 2025 Dog Licence are available for purchase either online, by mail or in person.
Water Usage Customer Portal
Stay informed about your water consumption!
The Township of Ramara has launched its new Water Usage Customer Portal, which allows water users to monitor their water consumption. The online portal will also allow owners to set up email notifications when abnormal water usage is detected at their property.
The portal allows water users to monitor their water usage, understand their current and previous billing, optimize water conservation through water usage monitoring and customize alerts regarding water consumption, which can help identify leaks.
Visit our Water Usage Customer Portal page to learn how to sign up, set up your account, navigate the portal, and set up alerts.
Ramara Recreation Information, Events and Highlights
Ramara Recreation - Winter Recreation Guide
Apply today to register for a program - Staying active and let your creative juices flow in Ramara
- Resident registration is open!
- Non-resident registration opens on December 4 at noon.
Learn more about recreation in Ramara on our Recreation and Registration page, including facility rentals, senior services, programs and courses and more.
Ramara Township Public Library Events and Highlights
A fresh new start, welcome 2025! As many of us create new goals or reflect on the year that has past, we hope that it includes memories of the library or wanting to join some of our new and fun programming this year! We remind everyone that if you live in Ramara that you are eligible for a FREE library card that opens so many doors. We hope to see you soon.
Update: The temporary Brechin branch has moved to the Township Administration Building and is open Thursday 12-6 and Saturday 10-2. Send your holds and save the drive up the highway this winter.
Programming Highlights – Registration Required
- Way Back Trivia – January 21st @ 7:00 pm (Virtual & In-House) Win far-out prizes while reminiscing about the iconic moments and cultural highlights of these unforgettable decades.
Children/Youth Programs:
- PA Day: Friday, January 24 10:30 AM | Ages 0-8 - Snow Much Fun!
Enjoy outdoor time in the snow with different activities before you come inside to enjoy a warm hot chocolate treat, story and craft! - Pop-Up Tech Tinkers: - 2 PM | Ages 8-13
For the fans of the library Tech Tinker program, you won’t want to miss this one-off session! Build, create and play with friends during this hands-on tech program. Limited spaces available. - Structured Literacy – Supporting Your Child’s Decoding Skills (Kindergarten – Gr. 3)Sat. Jan. 25th @ 10 AM Join SCDSB educators in this parent/guardian session as you learn how best to support your child in their literacy journey through reading abilities and foundational reading skills.
- Pajamapalooza: Fri. January. 31st from 5-6 PM Ramara Recreation and Ramara Library are looking for friends who want to have fun! Come decked out in your favourite PJs to enjoy a story, a craft and games in the gym.
- Little Adventurers: Fridays @ 10 AM – Jan. 31st – May 30th| Ages 0-4 Join Abby (Ramara Recreation) and Rebecca (Ramara Library) for the Little Adventurers program! Guaranteed fun with songs, stories, and open play activities for the family.
Wishing you all a wonderful, happy, healthy and safe New Year!
- Your Ramara Public Library Staff: Jo-Hellen, Lori, Rebecca and Vanessa
Community Calendar
Have you ever wondered when a Committee or a Council meeting takes place or what our wonderful Ramara Recreation and Library team is up to? Check out our community calendar that highlights various events, public meetings or programming that are happening in the Township.
Please note that our community boards or the public can also add an event to the calendar as long as it falls within our policy.
- Organized or funded by another level of government.
- Organized by a government-funded agency or board.
- Organized by a Township of Ramara affiliated committee.
- Funded in full or in part, the Township of Ramara.
- Sponsored by the Township of Ramara.
- Organized by a registered charitable organization or service club operating within the Township of Ramara.
- Located in a facility owned by the Township of Ramara.
Visit www.ramara.ca/calendar.
Contact Us