The Dog shelter in Ramara is committed to the care and well-being of all dogs. The Township owns and operates the Brechin Shelter, located at 3290 County Road 47, and lost and found pets or dogs available for adoption are located here.
The Township’s bylaw enforcement department works 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. seven days a week.
For emergencies please contact the Canine Control after-hours number at 705-623-7295.
Lost and Found Pets
If you find a dog, please call us immediately at 705-623-7295. We will set up a time for us to pick up the animal.
We will care for lost dogs until we can find the owner. If we are unable to reunite the dog with their owner, we will put the animal up for adoption.
Making sure that your dog is licensed will allow staff to reunite dogs with their owners fast and reduce any sheltering fees.
If Bylaw Enforcement finds and captures your lost pet, you will have to a $30.00/per dog Impound Fee and a $20.00 per dog/per day Boarding Fee (plus HST) for first impound of the year to get your animal released. For a list of all fees related to Canine Impound, visit our Fees and Charges Bylaw.
It is located at 3290 Country Road 47 at the south end of Brechin. Map here.
Pets for Adoption
For most up to date information on lost and found dogs visit the Ramara Facebook page.
Currently, there are NO dogs available for adoption.
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